Entity Formation Attorneys Serving Henderson & Las Vegas
When you’re running a business or investing your hard-earned money, it is usually a good idea to create a business entity to protect that business or investment. Entities also provide you, the taxpayer, with more options when it comes to an overall tax plan. Business entities not only separate the transactions of the business from the personal transactions of the owner, but they can also shield the owner from the risk of an audit.
When forming an LLC, Corporation, Partnership, or any other business entity, it is important to understand the benefits and pitfalls of each entity to ensure you maximize the tax savings available to you. Here at Day & Associates, it is our goal to help clients understand and maximize the tax savings available to them from each entity in their tax structure. The more you know, the more we can help you. If you are looking to structure your business or would like to check the structure you have in place, contact us at Day & Associates and we’ll make sure you are operating as efficiently as possible.